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Trio Mariachi Jalisco Serves All Los Angeles County / local Anaheim
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1 or 2 hr event for Family / Bus.
... best value 1 or 2 hr event / mon - Fri
Trio Mariachi Jalisco is based in Anaheim, Ca.
Call and speak directly to representative or request a Free Quote by email.
Este trio se distingue por ser muy versátil y profesional. Siendo tres apasionados de la music han incorporado en su repertorio mas de 2000 canciones en los generos de boleros, rancheras, baladas, corridos, etc.
This trio is distinguished by being very versatile and professional. Being three music lovers, they have incorporated in their repertoire more than 2000 songs in the genres of boleros, rancheras, ballads, corridos, etc.
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Trio Mariachi Jalisco
--=+<O>+<O>+<O>+<O>MPD Member<O>+<O>+<O>+<O>+=-
Somos un trio musical ubicado en Anaheim CA.
Ofrecemos nuestras presentaciones en los condados de
Los Ángeles, Orange, San Bernardino y San Diego.
We are a musical trio based in Anaheim CA.
We offer our presentations in Los Angeles, Orange,
San Bernardino and San Diego counties.

Being three music lovers, they have incorporated in
their repertoire more than 2000 songs in the genres
of boleros, rancheras, ballads, corridos, etc.
Nuestro estilo musical es muy versátil, tocando gran
variedad de generos musicales bastante atractivos
para su reunión o festejo. Los tres integrantes
del Trío somos originarios del estado de Jalisco.
Our musical style is very versatile, playing a variety
of musical genres quite attractive for your meeting
or celebration. The three members of the Trio are
originally from the state of Jalisco.

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Rep: Gustavo Ramirez
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Trio Mariachi Jalisco
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Trio Mariachi Jalisco
Somos un trio musical ubicado en Anaheim CA.
Ofrecemos nuestras presentaciones en los condados de
Los Ángeles, Orange, San Bernardino y San Diego.
We are a musical trio based in Anaheim CA.
We offer our presentations in Los Angeles, Orange,
San Bernardino and San Diego counties.
--=++<O>+<O>+<O>MPD Member<O>+<O>+<O>++=-

Being three music lovers, they have incorporated in
their repertoire more than 2000 songs in the genres
of boleros, rancheras, ballads, corridos, etc.
Nuestro estilo musical es muy versátil, tocando gran
variedad de generos musicales bastante atractivos
para su reunión o festejo. Los tres integrantes
del Trío somos originarios del estado de Jalisco.
Our musical style is very versatile, playing a variety
of musical genres quite attractive for your meeting
or celebration. The three members of the Trio are
originally from the state of Jalisco.
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de bodas
-Reuniones de Negocios
-Despedidas de solteros
-Días especiales:
*El Día delas Madres
*El Dia de la Virgen
de Guadalupe, etc.
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